Wednesday, August 30, 2006


יהוה is the covenant name of God. The name appears in Hebrew scripture (Old Testament) six thousand eight hundred and twenty-three times. The first time it was used was Genesis 2:4 (Jehovah Elohim). יהוה consist of four Hebrew letters and they are Yod, Hey, Vav, and Hey. It is called Tetragrammaton which means the four letters in יהוה is the unutterable Name of God of Israel. These four letters can be translated into YHVH, but this is the closest they can get it. When they translated the scriptures, they replaced the Tetragammaton with “the LORD” (it is put in all capitals).

יהוה has been lost over the years because the Jews were scared to use the Covent name of God so they would not profane it. Instead of using the name יהוה, they use Adonai so that יהוה does not get defiled. This is how the name became lost for many centuries. “The mystery attached to the Name of the Almighty, is related ‘to be’ (I am, I was, I will be) which is the Hebrew verb ‘Hoveh’ (the ‘v’ pronounced as in ‘victory’), meaning ‘to be’, in the present tense. YHVH, therefore, means: ‘YAH Hoveh’, which means ‘Yah is …’ (YAH being His abbreviated (actual ?) name as reflected in Psalm 68:4 in some translations”(Restoration). When they tried to restore it, they believed that the Masoretes reversed the vowels for Adonai and applied them to יהוה. They then pronounced it “Yahoveh” or “Yahveh”. They do believe that “Yah” was actually part of the original word, but the rest is a mystery, the Hebrew Tetragrammaton is the only correct form, and they do not know how to pronounce יהוה. In the KJV Bible “YHVH is transliterated as ‘Jehovah’ in four passages where the name is particularly stressed (Exo 6:3; Psa83:18 [H19]; Isa 22:2; Isa 26:4] and in three passages to form transliterated constructs (e.g., Jehovahjireh (Gen 22:14; cc Exo 17:15; Jud 6:24)) (Hebrew Names of God).” “The sacred Name of God was uttered aloud only 10 times once per year (during Yom Kippur) by the Kohen Gadol. When the people heard the Name, they prostrated themselves in deep reverence (Yoma 39b) (Hebrew Names of God around paragraph 24)”. Now they say HaShem instead of saying יהוה which means the name.

In Hebrew they don’t write most of their vowels, and the others are only written to help to read the information. When vowels were put in, they were above or below the consonants. “Another tradition regards the name as coming from three different verb forms sharing the same root YWH, the words HYH haya [היה]: ‘He was’; HWH howê [הוה]: ‘He is’; and YHYH yihiyê [יהיה]: ‘He will be’. This is supposed to show that God is timeless, as some have translated the name as "The Eternal One". Other interpretations include the name as meaning ‘I am the One Who Is’. (Tetragrammaton from paragraph 6)”Yod, even though it is the smallest of the four letters, is the most important. It is the indivisibility if God because it can’t be divided. Yod is the tenth letter of the Hebrew Aleph-bet, and the number ten “signifies the perfection of Devine order”. It come into play later on the in the Bible including the ten plaques, the antichrist’s ten nations, Abraham’s faith was tested ten times with trials, and many more. The second letter is Heh. It is an exhalation of breath or a “small puff of wind (YHVH)”. Heh is both the second and the fourth letter the Name. The Third letter Vav is the sixth letter of the aleph-bet. This is the Wisdom of the aleph-bet.

Dolphin, Lambert. “The Names of God” Retrieved on March 28th, 2006, from
“Hebrew Names of God” Retrieved on March 28th, 2006, from
Keathley, J. Hampton, III, Th.M. “The Names of God” Retrieved on March 28th, 2006, from
“Names of God” Retrieved on March 28th, 2006, from
“Names of God – Elohim – YHWH – Yahweh – Adonai – Abba - Tetragrammaton” Retrieved on March 28th, 2006, from
“The Names of God: His Titles Revealed in Scripture” Retrieved on March 28th, 2006, from
“Restoration of the Sacred Name” Retrieved on March 28th, 2006, from
“Tetragrammaton” Retrieved on April 6, 2006, from
Zondervan’s Compact Bible Dictionary. Retrieved on March 28th, 2006, from page 610 for YHWH